Friday 23 November 2012

Preparations Day One & Two

The last couple of days have begun and been busy organising things for 'Summerfest'. We are grateful to all who have volunteered time and resources over the last while and especially the last couple of days organising, sourcing, gathering, delivering... Thank you so much to our neighbours for giving us their wood piles to put in the systems and to everyone who has contributed newspaper, cardboard, wooden pallets, cardboard bales, time etc.

Chopping Cardboard for 'Worm food slurry':

making a cardboard roll
feeding it in

worm food

 Neighbour's forest and wood piles. Gathering, chopping, transporting wood. New discoveries and wonders:

tall trees
termite mound
dead matter pile



ant highway and animal
shaped wood

somethings home
gaul wasp nodes

Standbye Paddock Preparation:

new contour

pond beginning to fill from a beautiful downpour of
rain. We suggest you bring your gumboots!

Things just want to grow!! Growth on the contours beginning

fertility system/living system hole partially full of water

 Another load of wood from the neighbours - thank you!!
We kept imagining this being planted out and created into
a beautiful forest again! It has so much potential. 
load on the move
investigating all sorts of new things.
what is happening around some of the woodpiles at the
neighbours. They are naturally creating living
systems. It was really exciting to see what is happening.
There were some different soil creatures,
beetles, ants, insects etc beginning. Not much else, but there is life.
I feel there was much that I 'couldn't' see also doing lots of work.

sculptural log stacking

what water does to wood


new home

 Thanks so much for all your help, 'pre' preparing! We are grateful for your desire, help and growing friendships!

after some rain

1 comment:

  1. tons of fun! :) praying for perfect weather. See you next week!
